Bob Costas argues PEDs and HOF is not a black and white issue

NBC Bob Costas joined the show to talk about Baseball Hall of Fame voting and more.

Costas said that it’s completely legitimate to not vote for players you believe used PEDs. He said when you look at each case, there are different circumstances. He doesn’t put Barry Bonds and Sammy Sosa in the same category. “I don’t even know if Sammy Sosa would have been an all-star without  [PEDs],” Costas said.

Costas said while many question the process right now, there are voters who try to make a wise decision.

“There are many voters of good conscious who make thoughtful, nuanced decisions as they fill out their ballots,” Costas said.

Costas thinks people might be too black and white about PEDs. He suggest that perhaps there’s room for a grey area.

Costas also weighed in on the backlash for his “Jackass” comment about Winter Olympic sports.

“This is the kind of thing I’ve been saying on air one way or another for 30 years,” Costas said. “If that ticks off 500 people … which is a tiny portion … it can seem like a torrent.”




